Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is useful after greater loss of weight, when the skin on the abdomen is not elastic enough to return to its normal position. This is when we get excess skin that has to be removed surgically. Abdominoplasty can be done only after the body weight stabilizes and weight loss process has come to its end. It is very frequent for women, that their skin cannot go back to its original position after giving birth and they get excess skin, damaging their overall appearance. Tummy tuck can be a good solution in those cases, if no further pregnancies are planned.

How is abdominoplasty done?
Surgical procedure starts with an incision over the bikini line, and ends on the side. Abdominal soft tissue is carefully transferred upwards toward the chest, and if necessary, abdominal area can be restrengthened by connecting the two muscles which separated. Thereafter we remove excess soft tissue and skin. Belly button stays in its place, and will by tightening the skin and muscles be moved back to its original position. After the procedure we place drainage for wound secretion, and the wound is finely sutured. If most of the excess skin is in the upper part of the abdomen, alternative incision can be made under the breast and loose soft tissue is then pulled upwards.

What happens before a tummy tuck?
At the day of the surgery you must not use any greasy shower creams, but soap or showering gel. The skin should not be hydratized. We advise hair removal in the bikini area and, if you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least 2 weeks before the surgery. You will get all important information from your doctor during the consultation. You will be instructed not to eat or drink in the six hours preceding the surgery. You should avoid coagulants at least one week before the surgery and one week after the surgery (consult your general general practitioner).
What happens after an abdominoplasty?
After the surgery you must sleep is semi-sitting up position with knees and the back bent. When sitting upright you should avoid straining of the abdominal wall in order for the sutures not to burst. Swelling and soreness are normal after this procedure, but they will disappear completely after a few days. Such interventions bear the risk of thrombosis during the first 5 - 10 days, and it is essential to follow the advice of your doctor on taking medication against thrombosis. The drainage is removed within 2 - 7 days, and the sutures 10 - 14 days after the surgery. Bathing and showering is possible only after the sutures have been removed. Swelling and loss of sensation on the skin can be present several weeks after the surgery, but they generally return to normal. If abdominal muscles are tightened, you should wear an abdominal girdle for the next 3 months.

What are the results of a tummy tuck?
You can expect very good results after a tummy tuck. Your abdominal wall should be flat and tight, and most of the stretch marks gone. The final result can be visible only after 3 months.
What are the risks of an tummy tuck?
As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks, about which you will be informed in detail during your consultation with the surgeon.
- Surgery duration: 2 - 4 hours
- Hospitalization: 2 - 5 days
- Check up and release: 10 - 14 days
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