This procedure is used to fill irregularities on the body, where you have recesses or where it previously came to only limited recovery of the tissue after a damage. On one hand, it could be loss of volume in the face after the skin loosens and wrinkles appear, and on the other hand, it can be caused by tissue deficit due to injury or surgery. Lipofilling is frequently very useful after liposuction, in order to improve skin irregularities caused by liposuction.

How is lipofilling done?
Preceding lipofilling, we must suck out the fat from another part of the body with excess fat deposits like e.g. abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Fat cells are then filtered using infusion solutions, centrifugalized and than injected into the required areas. In order for the fat cells to absorb to the location of application it is essential for the blood vessels to be developed. Only they can cause permanent change in contours of the treated area. Some of the fat cells will die out, others will be accepted by the body, and it is very hard to anticipate how many cells will stay. It can range from 30 - 70 %, that is why this procedure must be done 2 - 3 times, in order to achieve the requested volume.

What happens before a lipofilling?
At the day of the surgery you must not use any greasy shower creams, but soap or showering gel. The skin should not be hydratized. You will get all important information from your doctor during the consultation. You will be instructed not to eat or drink in the six hours preceding the surgery. You should avoid coagulants at least one week before the surgery and one week after the surgery (consult your general general practitioner).
What happens after a lipofilling?
After the injection, the treated areas get swollen and inflammatory. It will last for a few hours up to a few days, and in some special cases even longer. The area where the fat cells were harvested will also be swollen and bruised. This area will be covered with compression bandages 2 - 3 weeks after the procedure.

What are the results of a lipofilling?
The treatment of injecting own fat cells into requested areas can achieve pretty good results, but its success depends on the quantity of fat cells, that the body will accept. In order to achieve the wanted results , the treatment can be repeated 2 - 3 times.
What are the risks of a lipofilling?
As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks, about which you will be informed in detail, during your consultation with the surgeon.
- Surgery duration: 1 - 2 hours
- Hospitalization: 0 days
- Check up and release: 5 - 7 days
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